If you use Todoist multiple query filters you quickly discover that they create a lot of white-space, “Add Task” links and duplicated headers. To make the website more readable I created a script to remove the noise. You need a browser like chrome or firefox and an extension that can inject JavaScript into the Todoist website.
- Removes empty search queries from filter results
- Removes all but the first heading
- Remove “add tasks” option for specified filters
- Can be set for specific filters
This script assumes that you use several filter queries that are separated with a comma and include a date selector like “today”, “tomorrow”, “3 days”, etc.
- Use a browser extension that injects the javascript code below on todoist.com
For chrome you can use “cjs” - Add “@hide_today” without quotation marks to your filter query
Note, you don’t need to create a label @hide_today
Works only on browser and not on smart phone apps
Example filters:
@hide_today & today, p:first_project & today, p:second_project & today
@hide_today & today, (p1 | p2) & today, p:Inbox & today & !(p1 | p2)
@hide_today & today, p:first_project & today, p:second_project & today
@hide_today & 7 days & ! 6 days, p:first_project & 7 days & ! 6 days, p:second_project & 7 days & ! 6 days
my_jQuery_triggers = function() { jQuery("#editor").bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(){ my_jQuery_conditions(); }); } my_jQuery_conditions = function() { // Check hash for trigger var url = window.location.href, expr = /hide_today/; if(!expr.test(url)) { return; } // Check if #agenda_view exists if( !jQuery('#agenda_view').length ) { return; } // Check if implementation indicator is set if( jQuery('.my_jQuery_changes_implemented').length ) { return; } // Implement changes jQuery("#agenda_view").addClass( 'my_jQuery_changes_implemented' ); my_jquery_changes(); } my_jquery_changes = function() { // Remove empty search queries jQuery("div.section_day:not(:has(.task_item))").remove(); // Remove add task jQuery("li.agenda_add_task").remove(); // Show only first heading jQuery("h2.section_header").hide(); jQuery("h2.section_header:eq(0)").show(); // Remove margins //jQuery("div.section_day").css("margin","0px","important"); //jQuery("ul.day_list").css("margin","0px","important"); } // Load latest jQuery javascript: (function(e, s) { e.src = s; e.onload = function() { jQuery.noConflict(); }; document.head.appendChild(e); })( document.createElement('script'), '//code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js' ) // Static triggers window.onhashchange = function() { my_jQuery_triggers(); my_jQuery_conditions(); } window.onload = function() { my_jQuery_triggers(); my_jQuery_conditions(); }
Todoist: remove whitespace